Creatures 1 Downloads

Medicine Bottles

Download 1.01
Using the original sprite from Creatures 1, this is a simple agent where each pills gives a few 
useful chemicals to creatures that eat them. In order (left to right, top to bottom)

1st Bottle: Starch, Hunger Decrease, Sleepiness
2nd Bottle: Hotness Decrease, Cough Medicine, Sleepiness
3rd Bottle: Antibody 5, 6, & 7, Sleepiness
4th Bottle: Pain Decrease, Tiredness, Sleepiness, Alcohol

Flying Fish

Download 1.0
An old COB I made when I saw there were sprites for it in C1. Someone actually made it into a COB before me, but my version also has flipped sprites for both directions.

It is still just a fish though, and norns can't really do much with it.

Improved Honey

Download 1.0
The C1 agent I'm most proud of, Improved Honey was made because of Jessica of Discover Albia's series of Updated COBs for almost every food item. Sadly she never finished honey when she left the community, so I sought to do it myself.

It's much more instinct friendly, while also having new sprites to tell how full/empty it is, and removes the honey text for something for universal, just how Jessica described wanting to change the honeypots.