Creatures 3 and DS Breeds

Hive Norn Pack

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Hive Norns were made by Dragoler, who asked me to make a few agents to help their very specific needs, because they kind of function like an ant colony. They are very fun to watch do their thing, even if they don't mix well.

Dragoler did all the sprites, I just did the code.

Raccoon Norns

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Originally made by Sent, they were abandoned until I made sprites for different life stages and females, and a genetics file was made by EemFoo.

Sabertooth Norns with Baby Sprites

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Gives Ghosthande's Sabertooth norns baby sprites! They are still very big norns but crosses will look a tiny bit better.

I have a version of this for Gaius, but that also has other changes like separating tail, and some poses changes for better walking, so still a work in progress as those get ironed out since I'm not working alone.

Halloween Pack

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A pack of breeds made by Dragoler. All I worked on here was the invisibility agent, originally by Risen Angel, to make creatures no just be invisible but also appear as bats!

C0 Pack

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Released for the CCSF 2021, this pack comes with Boid Norns and Dragon Grendels, as well as a few agents using the Creature Prototype's sprites.

Breeds come in TWB and CFE versions.

Halloween Pack


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Slugcats from the game Rain World! These guys only have pose changes genetically to make them look
more like slugcats, but I mean look at them!
Comes with CFE and TWB versions.

C2toDS Breeds Quick Converts

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Very quick conversions of the various C2 breeds for DS. They won't crash, which was the goal, but they still have some neck weirdness. Someone can convert these better I'm sure!


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Released for the CCSF 2023, a version of Gaia that doesn't use breedslots and can keep her original voice, through the power of CRAG!

It's still Gaia and acts just like the original (for the most part) with a few fixes and tweaks.

Credit to Lis Morris for the original Gaia, NeoDement for Gaia DS, and Ghosthande for some other things she may use.

Nurse Bots

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Released for the CCSF 2023, my first project utilizing CRAG, the Nurse Bots are helpful lil bots that want to care for creatures, with various functions helping them at their task.

I made a lot of mistakes in their original download, and later I wanted to add rotation and swap support, as well as more cloak designs, and thus version 2.25 was born.

Nurse Bots use a TWB genome, but heavily modified so that can likely live in even very cold/hot environments.

TWB Curiosas V

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TWB Curiosas are a variant of the TWB Curiosas Dragoler released, with their genes being changed to better match the original Curiosa genome.