Creatures 3 and DS Tools

Custom Eggs Framework

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Custom Eggs Framework is exactly how it sounds. It allows multiple different custom eggs in the game through catalogue files and head sprites. This isn't used as much as I think it could be, but I'm sure people have customized tons of breeds to used custom eggs and I'm just not aware of it.


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A collaboration with Dragoler (my first I think!), Bloodbank is a little agent for TWBs and TCBs that allows you to transfer blood and plasma between creatures who need it. It won't drain them if their too low of course.

Weather Patch (TWB & TCB Edition)

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The original weather patch was made by Arnout, and this is a modification of that original. It makes the Ark much warmer for TWB and TCB creatures. Dragoler came up with the concept for it, and helped me iron out the exact temps.

Agent Pack Big & Tiny

Download 1.17
One of my first big packs, includes the following:
Activate 1 & 2 Separation: Makes push "kiss" and pull "tickle" on creatures. Some genomes like TWBs use this to have some inbreeding prevention while allowing creatures to still be friendly to family. This is in nornbinary.
Bacteria Revamp-dish: Changes bacteria duplication, to be based on CAs instead of hardcoded rooms. New sprites and an options files, as well as a n agent to check if conditions are good for bacteria or not.
Detritus Smell: Makes detritus smell like CA 9. Great for toxics, as it helps them eat.
Sensorimotor & Peripheral Inputs: Agents that send input into creature's brains (if they have the right lobe) that can be used for all sorts of things.
Tiny Autovendors: Small auto vendors that will automatically vend their contents when there isn't enough. Easy to put where you need them.

Zombie Sweeper

Download 1.3
A agent that will put to rest all the zombies (creatures with all dead organs) in your world every 5 minutes.

Good for wolfing runs and such where these guys can sometimes build up and prevent others from breeding.

Genealogy Lobe Input

Download 0.9
Genealogy Lobe Input was a good idea, but I did it pretty poorly, and even with fixes it still crashes, and nothing uses it.

You shouldn't either, but it's here for posterity.

Crowd Disperser Ball

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A ball that will teleport to crowded creatures to try to get them away big groups. It also is still a toy that just so happens to teleport near creatures so it can be used in other ways.

Unofficial Chemical Catalogue

Download 1.07
Adds various unofficial chemicals to the catalogue file storing their names, for use with agents such as x-ray.

Advanced Pulse Switch

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Released for the CCSF 2020, a recreated pulse switch that allows you to set how many seconds you want between each pulse. Is affected by fast ticks.

Coding by Verm, Sprites by Doringo, Design by Freylaverse


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Released for the CCSF 2020, a gadget that you can write CAOS scripts and and have them execute based on inputs given, and produce an output based on if it ran successfully or not.
Coding by Verm, Sprites by Doringo, Concept by Geat Masta


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Released for the CCSF 2020, stickers that allow you to put ports on anything, so agents without ports can get input and output.
Sprites by Freylaverse, coding by Verm

Pregnancy Cost

Download 0.914
Meant to stop super breeds, pregnancy cost makes creatures require a certain amount of glycogen and adipose tissue to carry a full term pregnancy. If they don't have enough, they miscarry, losing the egg in the process.

Probiotic Yogurt Vendor

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A vendor which vends yummy yogurt that gets rid of cures and antibodies in a norn. Great for toxics!

Sprites and Concept by Dragoler, code by Verm

DS Tricoder

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Based on the Tricoder by someone know as the Lone Shee, the DS Tricoder tries to replicate it's functions in CAOS only, as there happens to be a command allowing your to spit out the entirety of an objects scripts. When using agent help, the tricoder will look at push, pull, hit, get, and eat scripts and find every instance of stim, sway, chem, and drive. This can help identity non-instinct friendly agents that your creatures may get confused messing with.

Various Agent Pack

Download 1.081
This pack comes with the following:
Floaties: A repackage of the CCSF 2020 version, with minor changes
Ancestry Tracker: When a creature hatches, puts what genomes make them up in their description. Useful for the warp.
Autopsy Report: Allows you to see what a creature may have died by. Also comes with Wolfing Run support that will put this information in a file you can look at later.
Falter Indicator: Puts a little arrow under faltering creatures. Pretty simple.
Kitz: A pet for your norns! Has their own needs and will mess around.
Cam-Free Death: Corpses don't need the camera on them to fade away. Unneeded in the steam version.

Toy Smell 1.11

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A modified version of new toy smell by by evolnemesis that adds an autorecovery to the script, as well as setting rates for CA 19 so they flow through most rooms better.

Credit to KittyTikara who's Critter and Bug Smell's auto recovery I used to make one for this agent.


Download 2.5
A modification to the original x-ray by GauHelldragon, this one shows long term and short term health values and when an organ is healing or taking damage. Has some fixes for other things too!

Warp Saver

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A simple agent that will grab creatures stuck in the containment chamber and pop that into the norn meso. Good if you're running a wolfing run with the warp on.

C2 Oil Lamp

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Made for the CCSF 2023, a small oil lamp that heats up the room it's in a little when on, as well as producing light.

Sprites by Jesseth, I just did the code.

Visual Indicators

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Released for the CCSF 2023, exactly how it sounds. 

Bleeding makes blood visible on bleeding TWBs, stools makes norns create waste when they discard waste internally, and Hyper-&o-thermia makes norns blush or sweat when cold or hot, with a few other effects depending on the environment.

Nurse Bot First Aid Kiosk

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A little first aid kiosk that will teleport Nurse Bots in the world to it when it detects a sick, hungry, bored, or lonely creature.

Needs Nurse bots to do anything.

All in One Status Menu

Download 1.2
Originally made when I just wanted to make a vitals-looking monitor that didn't  really have much information, the "Simple Status Menu" slowly became more    and more useful as I actually added functions to it, and it's finally in a  releasable  state!

Most useful for TWBs, you can still see food stores and stuff for vanilla from it though.